Thursday, November 15, 2018


On October 17, 2018 I had the pleasure of having an online conversation with Jessica Wendel from her Facebook page, Pure-iosity

It was so much fun! I shared some stories from my journey in overcoming anxiety. Proverbs 18:21 says that "Death and Life are in the power of the tongue" I mean, just sit and think about the truth of this statement! It's so profound. We really have to be mindful of what we speak.

What are you speaking? If you would have asked me this question a couple of years ago I would have to tell you that I spoke death more than life, and I didn't even realize it. I shared that my sister pointed out one day that I spoke death constantly, and you know what? once I took a few minutes to consider her statement, I realized that she was absolutely correct and this did not sit well with me at all. I needed to change this behavior STAT.

My sister created that "Negative Nelly" Jar and this started me on a journey of changing, of being intentional, choosing life.

We found that old Negative Nelly Jar and I just had to share the pictures! Hahaha! She intended to actually charge me, Oh I am so thankful she didn't after all, I would be broke just in the first day. This was an awesome tool to bring me into awareness of my terrible habits, It got to the point that I would hear a paperclip hit the side of the cup and I would self correct. My Pastor says something like " Self Assess and Self Adjust" I love it! that is exactly what started happening.

It's about being intentional and mindful of what your saying and doing. If you know me at all you know that there are times that a conversation with me sometimes sounds a little something like this: Ugh! I'm so dumb, Wait! No I am not, I just didn't understand, or any variation of this comment. It's like my default has been set on negativity and I have to work to overturn it. Actually that is literally what is happening, But I am here to tell you VICTORY will come as you are intentional about changing.

I now hear the negative comment faster than before and can correct it immediately, or I hear it in thought form and than I am able choose to speak life in that moment before the negative is even released.

How did I get here? Glad you asked!

I had to start washing myself in the word of God, by literally reading it over and over, sometimes just 1 verse, but one turned into 2 and so on.

I bought myself an awesome book of God's Promises, I love it, you can look up topics like Anxiety and it will give you the verses that are about it. This is a great tool!

I have just added an amazing book from Holly Watson to my tool belt, I highly recommend it and I am so thankful for what God is teaching me through it.This is a book of 30 daily Decrees you can read and delcare over yourself, your situation and your family daily. It is so awesome!!! You can purchase a copy from Holly Watson's website at I love this ministry so very much!

Surround yourself with Godly people, This is an absolute must, We were created for community and we need each other, We need Godly counsel, A sister that will speak truth, God's truth into our lives! Do not take life advice from people that don't have the same belief system as you, or as I have heard : Do not take swimming lessons from drowning people. Be careful who you confide in, not everyone deserves the same access, but find your circle, your tribe.

Listen to worship music, saturate yourself in it, It lifts the soul!

Listen to online sermons, and the bible online, The word of God takes root and begins to sprout in our hearts and mind.

Journal- I highly recommend this, It;s so good to keep record of what God is walking you through and what he is saying to you, It's awesome to look back and see how far he has brought you.

Pray, This is THE most important thing we can do ever! I pray while driving, walking and breathing.

As I started to do this and continue to this day, It has lifted and made room to got to the next step in wholeness and the next step in my walk with Christ. Healing is here!! let's get healed, Mind Body and Soul together!

Share with me some changes you want to make, What are you saying to yourself?


Lori G